Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 3-Bismarck, ND

Busy day. 1200ish miles so far in the past 3 days.  Maybelle was happy with the flatter road and absolutely no traffic. 

We FINALLY left Montana! I personally have nothing against  the state, but it was nice to be able to say we were in another state.

We stopped in Beach, ND, and visited Prairie Fire Pottery- a neat place of a local potter who sells nationwide. With a name like Beach, I was hoping we had been transported straight to NC Coast. No go. Still a good side trip.

The best side trip of the day was a retriip for the two of us. We revisited Theodore Roosevelt National Monument which is also known as the Badlands of ND.  We saw almost three dozen bison, some with babies, tons of prairie dogs, and several wild horses.

We have been debating on what to title this trip and are seriously thinking of either "Road Work Ahead" or "No Services" .  The first is self-explanatory.  The second refers to the fact that almost every exit in Montana had No Services-meaning no gas, no food, etc.

Scenery was as gorgeous as ever. Minnesota tomorrow !

1 comment:

  1. he's fairly ugly!! love the scenery..maybe I could move there and be a rock farmer!
